The world is round, so the things on it too.

Aldar Headquarters, Qatar has a distinctive design and innovative building facades hemispherical comprising two circular shaped convex, joined by a narrow strip of corrugated glass. This iconic structure is completely circular fully glazed elevation and curve in all other respects.
The building Aldar Headquarter received several awards and recognitions, including the “Best Futuristic Design” award by The Building Exchange (BEX), and Silver LEED as green building Green Building Council (USA).
This is the first part of a venture that once completed and occupied house more than 120,000 people. The building is visible from the Dubai-Abu Dhabi highway and enjoys a privileged location, surrounded by the city, the sea and the canal.
Can you believe! - It can accommodate 120,000 people.
Significance in its Architecture
The circle symbolizes unity, stability, rationality. It is also the symbol of infinity, without beginning or end, the perfection, the ultimate geometric symbol. Represents an integrity that encompasses all space and time.
The sphere, the two-dimensional circle is Boullée acclaimed as the ideal and perfect, as no trick of perspective can alter your appearance.
Circular Skyscraper flaunts his way over the open waters and the earth, like a pearl resting on the edge of the sand.
Its curved glass facades, not only reflect around projects and the new and vibrant city where he was born, but also enables us to face his own image and the image of a much larger universe.
The most interesting fact is
The materials used to construct the spherical building of Aldar HQ (HeadQuarters) are mostly recycled glass, steel and concrete. During the construction of prefabricated elements were used to reduce waste, such as stairs, bathrooms and pillars.
Information presented by
Arushi Sharma IX D