It means 'Zero upon Zero' - An indeterminant number
This movie features the story of a maid who helps her daughter fall in love with her books. The movie has a strong message about how education can change people’s life. It does underline the message, but stays just short of being preachy or message-y.
For example, how maths can be simple to learn if you link it up with life or when you decide to become friends with the subject.
This small, simple, straightforward and fuss-free film rides on well-etched characters and relationships which are brought alive by a nicely put together ensemble cast. The centerpiece of the mother-daughter pair of Chanda and Apeksha looks more like sisters.
There are plot points you could nitpick on but at the end of the day Nil Battey Sannata remains a warm, feel-good film which offers hope and the promise of upward mobility that doesn’t depend on the social strata you come from but your own will and diligence.
This movie is a heart-wrenching tale of a mother who dares to dream big for her child & is ready for any hardship/sacrifice in order to fulfill it & her sheer effort finally culminates in the fruition of that dream. The plot is beautifully woven around four characters primarily, the Mother, her Daughter, the Doctor ( where the mother works as a household help) & the Principal of her Daughter's school. The direction of the movie is awe inspiring & the acting is sheer class personified.